Claire Tracey’s “Eco-art”
Tanya Menadue shared with the group some photos she had taken of an installation piece in the city. The piece was by Clair Tracey, a Griffith University doctoral candidate who along with Annique Goldenberg, put together another eco-art installation piece last year called “Flock.” More information about the piece can be found here.
The artwork that Tanya had taken a photo of was entitled “The Butterfly Effect.” Constructed out of recycled plastic, the piece was intended to be a participative one, inviting viewers to stand in-between the two abstracted butterfly wings. By doing so, the viewer is encouraged to contemplate his or her role in protecting the environment.
More information on Claire Tracey's "Butterfly Effect" is available here.
Tan Zi Xi’s “Plastic Ocean”
In 2016, The Singapore Art Museum mounted a set of exhibitions for Imaginarium series. One of the exhibitions called “Plastic Ocean,”was by artist and illustrator Tan Zi Xi and it tackled the issue of plastic waste in the ocean by inviting the audience to enter a space filled with floating rubbish. “Plastic Ocean”made a strong impression on audiences by literally immersing them in the problem and as an effect, make them reflect on their habits. Very much like Claire Tracey’s work, Tan Zi Xi’s repurposes rubbish and gives it a “new life”, something our team would very much like to emulate via our practical project.